Credits: Kraft Mayonnaise | Wieden+Kennedy | Nexus Studios

Enter the Mayoverse. Hose down a room or swim in an ocean of the gooey stuff. Together with Kraft Mayo and Wieden+Kennedy, Nexus Studios helped bring people’s wildest mayo dreams to life. Based on a Reddit thread where Kraft asked their most ardent fans for their wackiest mayo fantasies, the Nexus Studios’ Immersive team worked to create the ultimate Mayoverse experience.

As the digital designer for the Kraft Mayoverse campaign, I played a key role in designing the look and feel of this playful AR experience. I conceptualised and created the graphic language for the campaign and crafted the UI and UX for the experience. Additionally, I designed the mayo jar portal lids and created graphic props and textures to add detail and charm to rooms like Mayo Hose and Mayo Bash.

Try the experience here.

UI Design

Portal Lid Designs

Campaign Type Design / Stickers

Graphic Textures for Props