Credits: Headspace | Meta | Nexus Studios

Revealing an immersive playground for the mind, Headspace XR is a first-of-its-kind XR product where users can move, play, meditate, and explore an open world with their friends, all while learning lifelong mindfulness skills they can benefit from in the real world.

Nexus Studios brought together the best of the Meta Quest platform: its social, immersive, playful qualities, Headspace’s powerful mindfulness techniques, and Nexus’s strength as a strategic innovation partner and developer to create this vast open world.

Uncover 13 unique mindfulness exercises, all tailored to the user’s mood, and endless possibilities for free play with friends. Headspace XR gives players a fun way to integrate mindfulness into their daily lives.

As a graphic designer, I crafted the typographic lockups for the affirmations that appear throughout the world.

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Type Lockups

In Situ

All Type Layouts